Friday, April 25, 2008


Maximum Ride
Bad News :'(. If you frequently check the Flock's blog, you'd know that Fang said the movie isn't coming out until 2010ish! I mean seriously! That's seriously a long time! You can go check it now, it's so depressing, lol:
And if you want to get that link on the post for Avi Arad, click this:

This one actually isn't too bad, unlike Maximum Ride. Well maybe it was bad compared to the book, and for people who read it around the time it came out. But for me, it's fine. It's coming out December 12, 2008 ^-^. The real thing I seriously can't wait for is Breaking Dawn, and maybe Midnight Sun.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about since this blog is more about Maximum Ride, then here, I'll explain. Breaking Dawn is the fourth book in the Twilight Saga; and Midnight Sun is like the first book, but as first person as someone else, a different main character: Edward, Bella's lover. And if you still don't know what I'm talking about, you probably don't care and haven't read the books yet. So whatever.

Impatiently Awaiting Three Epic Things,

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Twilight Poem

Well, I read the Twilight Saga, and during school I was just bored. So, out of no where, I made this poem. Usually I post poems on my other blog but this is my book blog, and I might post this on there too.

Heart: Dead cold;
My bright soul: sold.
Thirst for blood;
Eyes far from gold.

or it could be just said with pauses in different places like this:

Heart dead cold,
My bright soul sold;
Thirst for blood;
Eyes far from gold.

It would make much more sense if you read the book. But I'm so proud of myself, not trying to brag but it goes perfectly ^-^.

It fits perfectly because...

1. When you're a vampire, in the Twilight Saga, your heart doesn't exactly have to beat, so...

2. Edward (one of the main characters), believes that when you become a vampire (again in the referring to the Twilight Saga), you don't have a soul.

3. Well obviously the third line you know how much it fits.

4. In the saga, when the vampires are thirsty, their eyes turn black or red, but when they are well fed, they turn gold.

Note: Again, most of this would make much more sense if you've read the book.

Poem Writer,

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Organization Retards

Ok, I'm like this alot in my life, but usually don't express it on my blog. But this person is a frickin' retard! Here,, this idiot is posting stuff that says they're going to "destroy all mutants" and are a "real organization". Ok, I have a few arguments.

1. What's With The Blog??
If they were a real organization that has the authority to kill living things, it would definitely NOT have a blog, I mean how completely pathetic is that?? If they had anything on the internet, they would have a website, not a blog on a blogging site.

2. They Just Shouldn't Be Stupid
No one wants mutants dead, people or companies like Itex know that, so why post about it's goings ons of everyone knows they're being complete idiots?? Besides, it's just common sense. If it were real, they'd try to keep it on the "DL", like Itex, I mean come on, seriously??

3. Publicity
Yeah, I searched the internet (which is really pathetic but is still proof) there's NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING. If they have blog, they would surely have a website, but nope, no website.

4. Timing
If this organization were real, and they even had a blog, they would have started it much earlier, just because mutants have become rather popular since James Patterson's book, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

There are SO many obvious reasons why this stupid made up game isn't real, you can think up the rest on your own even with an IQ of 10.

"'Organization X' isn't real!",

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, I finished Eclipse (3rd of the Twilight Saga)! And I can't wait for the next book, Breaking Dawn, it's coming out August 2, that's a long time :'(. I just noticed I didn't explain much about the Twilight Saga in my last post. Well, here goes:

A 17 year old girl named Isabella Swan moves temporarily in with her father because her mom got a new husband after their divorce, and Bella thinks it's the best for her mother to be Bella-free for a bit. Well, on her first day of school she spots a few out of the ordinary bunch of kids in the corner of the cafeteria. She learns a few odd things about this group of siblings called the Cullens. On her way to science, she spots one of the handsome boys of the Cullen group in her classroom, and is assigned to be his partner. Many days of weird things happen with this certain boy and Bella starts to get kinda weirded out and curious. On her way home in the school parking lot, an odd event happens that puts her life on the line. Bella is tremendously confused when she discovers she's alive, saved by the least expected person, in the least expected way... From the day Bella moved temporarily in with her father in Forks, her life changed into a mass of danger, fantasy, and love.

Twilight Saga Reader,

Connected Books

  • Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
  • Maximum Ride: School's Out- Forever
  • Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports
  • When the Wind Blows (connected)
  • The Lake House (connected)