Sunday, December 30, 2007


I've already known this for a while, but for some reason never thought to talk about it. On, it tells you who's going to play Max, and it's this girl named Amy Rose. You can watch her audition and see pictures of her. She STINKS! You would think the producers and everyone would pick a better fit. On, there's this video exactly like the one on except they recorded Amy Rose's voice and put it in there. She sounds so whiny and childish, her voice is so unfit for Max's personality. Here, go watch it now, the URL is: She sounds so BAD!! Oh my God!! I hate it, they chose a very unfit person with a very unfit voice. I totally think this person named Margarita Leviviena should play Max, I've only seen her in one movie but she's totally awesome in it. It's called The Invisible, she's tough, stern looking, and you could totally see her as Max. If you haven't seen The Invisible, rent it and watch it! She would be so good, but they had to chose Amy Rose, ugh. Oh yeah, and during my search for that video on youtube, I found this, it's really cool:

Very Annoyed,

Monday, December 24, 2007


I just sorta joined this secret club fighting for The Flock, and against Itex. I'm not entirely involved yet because I just joined, but soon, after Christmas, I'm going to get a laptop so I can go mobile! Finally, I'll have a computer of my own! There's this tree that fell down in my neighbor's backyard about two years ago, and it makes an arch so it's raised above the ground, and they have a HUGE backyard, except, they always yell at me and my friends, but we don't care, we always go back. That will be a good place to blog, it will be quiet, peaceful, and awesome, except when the stinky train runs through :(, and when the stupid old man living there comes out and yells at me. I'll just run, last time, he said he'll be "knocking on our parents' doors", yea right, my mom won't even care 'cus she's cool like that. She knows I go back there and I told her what the old man said and she's like: "That's ridiculous, who cares". Lol. Well, just a normal post to keep you updated, go to Jake's blog called:, to learn more about S.K.E.K.

Amateur S.K.E.K Member,

Christmas, Escaping, and Wings

Today be Christmas Eve, little cretins. Just kidding. It's Christmas Eve, and I'm getting a laptop for Christmas, YAY!! I've wanted one for such a long time. Well, I guess I could fit in the Weekly Maximum Ride Alert since this is all I can think of to say. I've been thinking of clever little post titles for the past few Alerts, but that last one, that wasn't too hot. But now I don't 'cus I mixed in with a post about Christmas, he he. So, as always, *-sigh-*, read the posts titled: Maximum Ride and Itex, the Co. of Death if you are new to this blog and if you are familiar, then you should already know not to read this so whatever. Well, Happy Christmas all!!

Excited For Christmas,
P.S. That part 'bout not having to think of a post title was before I changed it, before it was just Christmas Eve.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Freaking Frauds Forgave

Well, they did kinda "forgive" me, more like "made up", except we don't know each other. I got that cleared up, but now my new project is, project max1million, kidding. But that stupid kid changed his URL for his Maximum Ride blog, and if you read: Freaking, Cowardly Fraud, it will tell you. Now I'm on a hunt for that blog. Duh Nuh Nuh, NuuuUUUuuuhh!! Wow, again [from: Thanks, The Sparrow ;)]That's 'bout all I wanted to say, I cleared everything up with Max and Avian but am still on the hunt for that other person. Yea, I sound like a freak, but I'm determined to be mean to idiots, especially ones that lie! That's my well-known hatred, idiots. Yea, well, so long for now :).

Lying Idiot Hunter,
P.S. That's my new little "signature" or whatever, the asterisk and the dash at the beginning and end.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Freaking, Cowardly Fraud

That idiot who said he sprouted wings who I mentioned in: Freaking Frauds whose blog was called,, changed it. Probably because of me, good!! I'm 100% sure that it was because I checked the alert and it showed that exact URL. I even clicked the link that the E-mail said, and, of course, it said Page Not Found. You even try, here, click this link, see?! nothing!! That stupid little coward.Well, that's a fraud for ya!!

Fraud Hater,

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Freaking Frauds

You stupid, idiotic frauds!! Ok, I put an alert on for Dragons and Maximum Ride, ya know, so when a site or blog has to do with Maximum Ride or Dragons, it tells me and gives me the site. So, I was just checking my e-mail messages and about every day a few alerts are in there. Ok, I look at them, and usually my attention goes to the URLs that have in them, 'cause the real sites are like, official and just talk about the books. So in the past two days, I've looked at two stupid blogs claiming, the people writing them have wings, psh, yea right. One is called like or whatever, I didn't even remember it was so stupid, and the other is, and they claim that "James Patterson copied them and based his story on them" psh, shut up you idiots, everyone knows you're frauds and are faking it. First of all, you would be totally famous, second of all, don't say you just don't want everyone to know and that's why you're not famous, for god's sake, you're posting things on a blog about yourself!! I like Maximum Ride, you don't see me pretending to be a Human-Avian Hybrid. So take all your lies and shove it up your *ss, no one wants to hear about it!!

Maximum Ride Fraud Haters,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pain, Agony, Suffering

This is the .................. WEEKLY MAXIMUM RIDE ALERT!!!! Yay!! Hey ya'll!! jkjk. Hi this is the Weekly Maximum Ride Alert as you probably well know. The flock is in need of mucho help, and you can help, hehe. As always, if you have no idea what this blog is about read the post that's called Maximum Ride and Itex, the Co. of Death. It explains alot and that's what you need to know. So read soon and become a supporter, and possibly read the books if you haven't already, bye.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Long Time, No See

Sorry, I haven't posted in a long time, besides the Weekly Maximum Ride Alert, those don't count. I can't post things because there's no new news!! I've read the first three books already, I should've started a blog as I was reading them and gone along with them. Oh well. I just totally loooove the Maximum Ride series, love, love, love, (remember "Ms. Sparrow"?? Lub, lub, lub, lol) Oh yea, instead of "The Sparrow", I changed her name to Ms. Sparrow because the "the" sounded weird as part of the name and we were doing something where it kind of just changed. Well, keep updated on the Flock, where they are, what they're doing, how they're doing, that sort of stuff.

Signed Your Fellow Blogger,

Thursday, December 13, 2007





In case you aren't familiar with my blog, read my first post: Maximum Ride, that will fill you in on everything. If you are, but just haven't read: Itex, the Co. of Death, then read on. This is my weekly alert for helping Maximum Ride and the Flock. They are in need of help, blah blah blah blaah, just, this is the Weekly Maximum Ride Alert.


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Think About It

Have you ever noticed that people are so ignorant?? Well, probably not because you are ignorant! I have, and that has showed me how idiotic this world can be. Maximum Ride is a great example about that topic, and it tells you alot of things. Ok, I know this might sound like the thing everyone tells you about but, no matter what, anything living, have feelings, can think, and live just like us. The Human-Avian Hybrid experiment is a very advanced and elaborate experiment, but, what the whitecoats don't know, is that the kids they tested on, are living organisms. Just like every other animal, they have feelings and can think. Why do you think a mother gorilla or deer, or whatever animal it is, would go ballistic if you took her baby away?? Because they are living and are just like us but in a different form and think differently. Yeah, we might be smarter, but why else should we be able to do cruel things to them?? Exactly, that's it, we're just more evolved!! And if anyone thinks that we have a right to harm other animals just because we are smarter, talk to me, I'd like to see what idiotic thing you have to say. You can contact me at:

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I made a new blog based on another one of my interests. Dragons!! I've already made a guild on a website for dragons, a website on freewebs, and a profile-like thing on dragons. I love dragons so much, and if you think otherwise, you're just stupid :รพ. Go there now unless you don't really know much about this blog. If you don't go to the bottom post and read it and the one that's titled: Itex, the Co. of Death. If you do know what this blog is about, go to, or, go to my complete profile and click The Dragon Lexicon. But I think it would be alot easier to just click the link. Bye.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Itex, the Co. of Death

I already posted a little on this subject, but now I know it's for real! For a while now, kids have discovered an evil company has been planning to basically kill us all! Well, no offense, but you'll probably die too, Itex plans to "expire" everyone who isn't "useful", and I really don't think they'll find you useful. So, read my other posts and think about it. You can help save the world, and fight for a gang of Human-Avian Hybrids, who are truly AWESOME!! My friends and I have read the book series called Maximum Ride. These books have opened our eyes and showed us how evil and cruel the whitecoats and Itex really are. So, collect more information and help save the world. If you are lost right now, refer to the Maximum Ride blog. Their blog url is: Go visit it for additional information.

P.S. From now on, I'm going to post an alert about Itex every week until the next book comes out, then I'll have many more posts about Maximum Ride: The Final Warning, if you have read at least one of my alerts, then, don't even bother reading any of the other ones.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Picture Perfect

I posted this on my other blog too. I got a new Polaroid camera! It wasn't a gift or anything, but it's old and working. I love old-fashioned things like that. From reading the Maximum Ride blog, it inspired my to post pics as ideas for new posts. I love taking pictures. It seems like a good way to start a new post :) . If you have no ideas for posts, refer to the Maximum Ride blog, in like June or something Fang listed ideas for posts if you're stuck. Later on I'll edit this post and give a link.

- Accey

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hooray for Ride!!

I only assumed that The Final Warning was the last book of the series because I mean just the title: The Final Warning. But of course, silly me, after some "research" I discovered that some people have heard there might be twelve Maximum Ride books. This may be true, it might not. Honestly, I don't know, I'm not going to pretend I do know because I don't know everything. So if you have any feedback about this topic, post a comment or contact me, I would really like know so contact me at:, thanks. :)

I Can't Wait!!

I can't wait for the next MR book to come out!! It sounds so important, The Final Warning, it sounds so cool and official. :( It's the last book of the series, it's coming out March 18. I'm going to buy it the day it comes out!! :(. Well, we still have time to help before we find out what happens in the last book! So, like I said before, help, locate the nearest Itex offices and just stuff like that. If you're reading this, it probably means you're interested in Maximum Ride and want to help, or, it's just that you happened upon this blog for some reason. Well, if you are that kind of person, read my earlier posts. They will fill you in on what I'm talking about. :) Please contact me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanks, "The Sparrow". lol ;)

Ok, I haven't been able to post any helpful things lately, but I will I'm just waiting for the next book to come out to get more info. But, maybe if you're a Maximum Ride fan, help, by making blogs, websites and alert the world and country. Well, since I can't think of anything else to say, and I don't feel like writing such a small post, I'll connect this to one I was planning on posting anyway.

The Maximum Ride books were recommended to me by a good friend. She also shared a love for the books like I do now. She told me about them and explained things I didn't understand. Like me, I don't really think she'd like her name thrown around on the internet, so we came up with a codename for her. Since she has other interests like everyone else in the world, she said she would like to be called: The Sparrow. Duh... nuh... nuh... nuuuUUuuuhuhhhhh. Wow. We were viewing the Maximum Ride blog and I decided to make my own blog on Maximum Ride and on some other interests of mine. Then, "The Sparrow" made her own blog on Maximum Ride and, of course, other interests she has. So yea, that's all I really wanted to say, a big "thanks" to my friend. Because, if she didn't tell me, you wouldn't be reading this right now. Bye.


Monday, November 5, 2007

Maximum Ride

All you Maximum Ride lovers out there, hear me now, the Flock is in need of our help! They're in deep trouble right now and are trying to save the world, with three 14-year olds, one of which is blind!, a sweet 11-year old, a gassy 8-year old, and an angelic 6-year old (literally). Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel are the awesome gang, fighting against the whitecoats. Their mission is to save the world. In the beginning of time, Max and her Flock were stuck in a hell hole of a prison, called, the School. Four years ago, they escaped with one of the mad scientists that they thought to be their friend, but later betrayed them. During the hellish experience, from running away from Erasers (human-canine hybrids, they can morph into two-legged wolves that are extremely dangerous), to escaping insane mad scientists, Max discovered she was created to save the world! So the rest of the flock tagged along (and they desired freedom also anyway) planning to stick with Max no matter what, to help. Fighting the Erasers and insane whitecoats off, they also discovered that, that an evil company called Itex, are planning to cut the world's population, in half! Leaving only healthy and useful people on Earth. Now, how will six delinquents save the world?? *Chuckle* Well, these aren't your every day kids, these are human-avian hybrids (98% human, 2% bird awesomeness, which provided them with wings). They're going to find a way to save the world, but with our help!! Tons of kids and delinquents have already helped by locating some of the Itex offices and raised hell. So, visit their blog, maybe locate the nearest Itex offices, keep in touch, and just HELP.

A BIG MR fan,

Connected Books

  • Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
  • Maximum Ride: School's Out- Forever
  • Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports
  • When the Wind Blows (connected)
  • The Lake House (connected)