Sunday, June 29, 2008


Ok, so everyone reads this, I'll make it short and sweet.

Vote in my poll!! Obviously you know which one I'm talking about, considering it only has one vote, mine. So please vote and leave comments/reviews ^-^. (If you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, try looking down a bit, the post right down there.)

So go vote so I know what you, the people (he he he), think.



Avion said...

i voted

Emu said...

We got one vote over heEere!!
*two thumbs up*

Karly said...

Wow, I felt like I was reading something I had written when I read your god thing!!!! I am totally with you, and I love long comments, so feel free to write as much as you want!!! Thanks for the luck, I think I'll need it!!!!
By the way cool blog, I love it!!!

Avion said...

hey accey liticus, i see u found my friend Kar jo. lol

Karly said...

lol, that's funny, i hope you don't really think I would just BELIEVE someone cause they told me to!!!! if I did, I would believe in god and the church right now. Yeah, I made up my mind and I don't believe in god, but i decided that befor I made the poll.

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